Our research group aims at making its work publicly available. Here we provide you with our own research outcome and valuable links for further studies on nuclear and security issues. For valuable online sources that other's have compiled, see our page on Online Repositories.
Neutral Europe and the Creation of
the Nonproliferation Regime: 1958-1968
Edited by Pascal Lottaz and Yoko Iwama
(Routledge, 2023)
Open access
『Security Studies 安全保障研究』5-1巻、2023年3月
Yoko Iwama ed., The Reality of Nuclear Sharing:NATO's Experience and Japan
序章 NATO の核共有・核協議制度〔岩間陽子〕
第1章 アメリカと核共有・核協議制度の起源〔新垣 拓〕
第2章 核協議の制度化――NPG組織の変遷と役割〔倉科一希〕
第3章 ドイツと核兵器〔岩間陽子〕
第4章 イギリスと核兵器〔小林弘幸〕
第5章 フランスと核兵器〔小窪千早〕
第6章 冷戦期ヨーロッパにおける「コミットメントの象徴」としてのアメリカの核兵器〔合六 強〕
第7章 ユーラトムとヨーロッパの「核」〔川嶋周一〕
第8章 欧州とアジアにおける「核の閾値」――非戦略核をめぐる思考実験〔後瀉桂太郎〕
終章 核共有と日本の安全保障〔岩間陽子〕
Yuji Miyamoto: Oral History (Former Ambassador to China)
Review by Yu Takeda, Hiroshima City University
Fintan Hoey, “The ‘Conceit of Controllability’: Nuclear Diplomacy, Japan’s Plutonium Reprocessing Ambitions and US Proliferation Fears, 1974-1978.” History and Technology 37:1 (2021): 44-66.
H-Diplo ARTICLE REVIEW 1149 (external link)
Sadaaki Numata: Oral History (Former Ambassador to Canada)
2019 年4 ⽉〜2020 年11 ⽉に、合計11 回にわたってインタビューを行いました。
【寄稿】非核外交の足跡と課題 安保と軍縮の両立求める日本
(武田 悠)
https://thinktank.php.co.jp/policy/7195/ (PHP総研ウェブサイト)
日本を取り巻く脅威北朝鮮のセオリー・オブ・ビクトリーを支える核・ミサイル能力の向上 ー村野将
中国の能力増強と日本への脅威 ー小原凡司
ロシアの「新型戦争論」、戦争の最初期段階(IPW)論、エスカレーション抑止と日本の安全保障 ー小泉悠
新領域(宇宙・サイバー・電磁波)における脅威との戦い ー長島純
日本の抑止力とアジアの安定を考える日本の「抑止力」とアジアの安定 ー岩間陽子・村野将
アジアの安定のための対話を目指して:欧州の経験から学べること ー岩間陽子
Thinking about Deterrence for Japan and Stability in Asia ーIwama Yoko & Murano Masashi
https://www.php.co.jp/magazine/voice/?unique_issue_id=12525 (PHPウェブサイト)
''Thinking about Deterrence for Japan and Stability in Asia ''
by Yoko Iwama & Masashi Murano (English Version)
The 1968 Global Nuclear Order and West Germany
by Yoko Iwama
www.yuhikaku.co.jp/books/detail/9784641149335 (Japanese)
by Yoko Iwama
www.yuhikaku.co.jp/books/detail/9784641149335 (Japanese)
Wilson Center
The Nuclear Proliferation International History Project
Japan and the Creation of the NPT Regime
Japanese Version(日本語版)→ Click here
The Nuclear Proliferation International History Project
Japan and the Creation of the NPT Regime
Japanese Version(日本語版)→ Click here
Joining the Non-Proliferation Treaty: Deterrence, Non-Proliferation and the American Alliance
Edited by John Baylis and Yoko Iwama
What were the calculations made by the US and its major allies in the 1960s when they faced the signing of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)? These were all states with the technological and financial capabilities to develop and possess nuclear weapons should they wish to do so. In the end, only the United Kingdom and France became nuclear weapon states. Eventually, all of them joined the non-proliferation regime... READ MORE HERE.
Have a look at the book launch event on Facebook: Click Here
Other Publications
Jonter, Thomas. "スウェーデンと原爆 : 核開発から核軍縮へ" GRIPS Discussion Papers. Tokyo: 2020. (In Japanese)
Iwama, Yoko et. al. "Kazuhara Takenori: Oral History." Transcript of an Oral History conducted in 2017-2018 by Iwama Yoko, Takeda Yu, Shiratori Junichiro. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime and the Redefinition of Security Policies Research Project of JSPS (17H00972). GRIPS Research Paper. Tokyo: 2019, 99 pages. (In Japanese)
Arakaki, Hiromu. "Multilateralizing NATO Nuclear Sharing Arrangements -Formulation of the NATO MRBM Proposal under the Eisenhower Administration-." GRIPS Discussion Papers. Tokyo: 2018. (In Japanese)
Lutsch, Andreas. "The German Nuclear Question, 1955-1975 - Conceptual Reflection on a Historical Reassessment." GRIPS Discussion Papers. Tokyo: 2018.
Goroku, Tsuyoshi. "West Germany's Signature of the NPT and the Role of the United States, 1968-1969." GRIPS Discussion Papers. Tokyo: 2018. (In Japanese)
Kobayashi, Hiroyuki. "Draft Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and Britain, 1964-1965: ‘Non-Proliferation’ and ‘European Option’." GRIPS Discussion Papers. Tokyo: 2018.
Kishi, Toshimitsu. "Deliberations on Japanese Nuclear Policy During the Sato Administration: Studies by the Cabinet Research Office." GRIPS Discussion Papers. Tokyo: 2017.
Iwama, Yoko. "Adenauer and the West German Nuclear Problem." GRIPS Discussion Papers. Tokyo: 2016. (in Japanese)
Kawashima, Shuichi. "EURATOM between European Nuclear Integration and World Nuclear Order, 1955-1958: Integration, Independence and Proliferation." GRIPS Discussion Papers. Tokyo: 2016. (in Japanese)
Kawashima, Shuichi. 「鼎談 イギリス総選挙が象徴する二十世紀的EUの限界 」(Tripartite Talks: The Limits of 20th Century Europe as Symbolised by the United Kingdom General Election), Chūōkōron, 129(7), 130-141, 2015-07.
Goroku, Tsuyoshi.「ウクライナ危機を受けてのNATOと米国の対応」(Response of NATO and the U.S. to the Ukrainian Crisis), Kokusai Josei, (85), 73-81, 2015-03.
Iwama, Yoko.「日本の安全保障と集団的自衛権」(Japan's Security and Right of Collective Self-defense) Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives), (773), 16, 2014.
Kawashima, Shuichi. 「『幻のヨーロッパ』? : 欧州政治共同体をめぐって 1952-1954(2)」 ("Phantom Europe"?: On the European Political Community 1952-1954 (2) ) Seikei Ronsou 82(1・2), 133-202, 2014-0.
Kokubo, Chihaya.「NATO・EUの安全保障政策とアフリカ地域」(NATO · EU Security Policy and Africa) Kokusai Anzen Hoshou 41(4), 36-50, 2014-0.
Goroku, Tsuyoshi.「中性子爆弾問題をめぐる同盟関係、1977-78年 : カーター政権の対応を中心に」Kokusai Josei (84), 155-167, 2014-02.
Kobayashi,Hiroyuki.「第一次ハロルド・ウィルソン政権の大西洋核戦力構想」(The Atlantic Nuclear Force Plan of the First Harold Wilson Administration) Hougaku Seijigaku Ronkyu(97), 185-204, 2013.
Iwama Yoko.「同盟と国家建設 : NATOとアフガニスタン」(Alliance and State Construction: NATO and Afghanistan) Kokusai Seiji 2013(174), 125-38, 2013.